Speed Camera? Whats a Speed Camera? ![]()
I do not advice to do any of these, however they are funny to look at. Subscribe via email to hear when we post a blog. 1. In a rush? HullDailyMail
Well done on passing your driving test! Sorry if we don't have your name up here we shall include the last 10 people who passed. Passing your test is an awesome achievement congratulations to all!
Epifanio Medies - 2015 Shae Kelly - 2015 Basirac Melol - 2015 Devante TomLin - 2015 Rory Kong - 2015 Catherine Johnson - 2015 Billy Brown - 2015 Christobel Obeng - 2015 Mariam Bandgura - 2015 Sophie Jones - 2015 Driving in London today is becoming even more popular, some even say when you find time driving should be on the top of the list to do. Why don't you take a look at our courses or contact us for more information. Even if you are busy I'm sure we can work around your schedule.
Saying that it means fuel prices are increasing. Did you know that only a very small percentage of the fuel price actually goes to the person selling it to you. It works out on a £35 spend about:- 65% (£22.75) is paid on taxes and duty. 32% (£11.20) is the cost of the fuel. 3% (£1.05) profit received. Many cannot believe this but although the figures may change this is only very slightly. CHECK out our other Fuel Price Blog which is in a colourful image! We have been working hard lately to keep our website updated and current! Check back later on this week for new blogs on driving, cars, and any related information! However, if you are interested to ensure that you are at optimum efficiency take at least a 10 minute break on a 3 hour journey! Remember when embarking on a long trip make sure you are hydrated and if you start to feel tired take a break, have a coffee and a nap! New website is out - Driving Lessons - Driving Instructor Training - Blogs One of the worst things is coming back to a boiling hot car and not being able to cool down Here are some tips and tricks for the summer.
Keeping cool whilst parked. Look out for shady places. If there are none cover the seats and interior with blankets and towels. Also try and attach sunshades in the car. On return Wipe down the steering wheel with waters. This will cool the surfaces down. Keep cool when driving Try and get a tinted window insert (be careful as there is a legal limit to the amount of tint). Keep antifreeze in the car for emergencies. Make sure tyres are properly inflated. Try not to use air-con too much as it can make the engine too hot. Sometimes you may find yourself in a situation where your battery is Almost flat and you have no access to jump leads. Here is another way of starting your car. (MANUAL transmission only!)
Note: if the car has power steering, the steering wont work until the engine starts. This is the same with the brakes after a few presses. As long as the car attempts to start up this should work. If the battery is completely flat this method will probably not work and you may need to charge the battery up over night. Step One- Get in the car. Turn off all electric using devices (this does include a charger attached to a phone) take the handbrake off and put the car into second or third gear keeping your foot on the clutch. ![]() Just passed your test. Why not upgrade the shabby car speakers for a better kind. After all, although you are road safe with our training we all realise that there are times we want a bit of good quality music whether in a traffic jam or trying to charm that perfect person. Here are our quick tried and tested steps; Welcome Summer.
For many of this we are just starting something new, whether it be a new job, a new chapter, a new school or a new hair style. Starting something new can be very daunting and exciting. At royal we understand both those things as driving can be so rewarding and fun but at the start can seem very confusing. That’s why our post today discussed some key factors to have in kind when starting something new: - always think about who you want to be and who you are already - if you want to be humble and are currently arrogant then why not try and change - Being the person who you want to be is one of the most valuable things in life as you should always try and live up to the type of person you want to meet - Before going into a new situation stop think relax do not think of the worst scenario but tell yourself you can do it, like many before you have. Tell yourself so many have been in the same situation and believe in yourself. If that fails… -Take rescue remedy and try to not show nerves if you can avoid it. - be organised. Of you are learning to drive why not get an early night and come ready to learn. If its your first day of university don’t come it too tired from freshens week. First impressions count. So why not give something new a try.. Whether it is driving of taking that evening course. Every step you take is a step forward. That’s all from royal today Offers of the day: learn to become an instructor and get money back after two years of work.. Yes, you heard train for free. Follow us on Facebook, twitter and pinterest |
DRIVING BLOGTim RoyalAll of our blogs are constructed by a very experienced driver that wants to share his wealth of knowledge to assist you. Advert