Are you bored in your mundane job?
Want a fresh and exciting career? Why not train with ROYAL and become a specialist. A skill you can keep forever… The best news is. You can have the money back after two years of working with us… Why become a driving instructor and work on your own?
Speed Camera? Ohh thats a Speed Camera... ![]()
Speed Camera? Whats a Speed Camera? ![]()
I do not advice to do any of these, however they are funny to look at. Subscribe via email to hear when we post a blog. 1. In a rush? HullDailyMail
Driving in London today is becoming even more popular, some even say when you find time driving should be on the top of the list to do. Why don't you take a look at our courses or contact us for more information. Even if you are busy I'm sure we can work around your schedule.
Saying that it means fuel prices are increasing. Did you know that only a very small percentage of the fuel price actually goes to the person selling it to you. It works out on a £35 spend about:- 65% (£22.75) is paid on taxes and duty. 32% (£11.20) is the cost of the fuel. 3% (£1.05) profit received. Many cannot believe this but although the figures may change this is only very slightly. CHECK out our other Fuel Price Blog which is in a colourful image! |
DRIVING BLOGTim RoyalAll of our blogs are constructed by a very experienced driver that wants to share his wealth of knowledge to assist you. Advert